Our services include:
*Selection and assignment of the au pair according to current legislation
*Verification of the au pair's compliance with the requirements for entry into Spain, according to their country of origin.
*Information on the necessary procedures to comply with the requirements for residence in Spain for the au pair, according to her/his country of origin.
*Advice on taking out private health insurance for the au pair, according to health care coverage in Spain and according to her/his country of origin.
*Drafting of a written agreement between the parties that will set out the rights and obligations of both according to current legislation.

*The Au Pairs are interviewed and selected through a rigorous selection process whose main objective is to get to know in depth the personality and objectives of both parties so that their compatibility is maximized. We only select au pairs who really have a great interest in Spanish culture, which is basic for the success of the exchange program.
*Guidance to the au pair in the process of adaptation and integration into the Spanish way of life and culture.
Demi Au Pair
The working hours provided are approximately 2-3 hours per day (maximum 15 hours per week) for language and conversation classes mainly. They are entitled to room and board, free weekends. In this way they finance their stay in Spain and achieve a more complete immersion in Spanish culture through living with a family.
You provide childcare, light housework and language training for approximately 25-30 hours per week (up to 6 hours per day 5 days per week, Monday to Friday). You can provide babysitting services at night from 1 to 2 times a week, but never on consecutive days and respecting that if the family goes out on Friday, the au pair goes out on Saturday or vice versa.